They're pretty standard FPS controls, move with the left analog stick, aim with the right, A jumps, X reloads, Y uses items, B switches between primary weapon and grenades, R fires your weapon, white changes firing mode, black and clicking in the left stick makes you crouch, and clicking in the right stick turns on night vision. However, even randomly generated maps are nothing all that spectacular and run into the same labyrinthine quality of the game. Once you've done this, the game randomly generates a map, which takes even longer to load. You also get to pick the type of environment (desert, hills, jungle, or snow), night or day, difficulty, time limit, and your available inventory. The way this works is you pick what type of mission you want from your choices of Escape, Assassination, Infiltration, and Demolition. When you finish the story mode, you can enjoy more single player action with the random map generator. Since entire levels look almost identical throughout the whole thing, complete with doors that say "open me" but don't open, you have to keep trudging down wrong ways until you find the sacred passage that leads to more live terrorists. You don't have a radar, which I think is good, but you also don't have a compass. Any direction but the right one leads to a big fat dead end. What does get tiresome is that most missions are like a big labyrinth. While the missions aren't all that varied, they don't by themselves get tiresome, but you really only notice changes in missions when you're moving between outdoor and indoor settings. A couple missions ask that you be stealthy, but setting off alarms simply triggers an infinite supply of bad guys to chase after you instead of failing your mission. Your real missions, which take around 25 seconds to load, are a variation of go in, find a guy/information/object and then escort it/escape without getting killed in the process. While it breaks up the blood and guts game play enough to let you recover your sanity, these filler missions could have easily been incorporated into cut scenes.Ĭhange your fortune with our in-depth guide.Ĭheats, complete walkthrough, weapons and character analysis, and multiplayer tips - You can't go wrong with this one! However, around half of these "missions" are really you wandering around some building trying to find a guy you need to talk to before seeing some action.

Spread over an overwhelming 54 missions, SOFII takes you to exotic locals like Prague, Columbia, Russia, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Texas, and New York. This, in a nutshell, is what to expect from single player SOFII. Sure there are stealth missions, but stealth is a suggestion rather than a requirement. Instead, just run in with guns blazing to exterminate the terrorist threat. You won't be facing "intelligent" enemies. Well, this elegant cruise, as Activision would have you believe, is a very straightforward shooter that transports you back to the days of Quake.

Witness all this and more in Activision's latest covert-ops romp, Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. Experience never before seen on Xbox death throes of terrorists. See blood glisten on walls, floors, trees, rocks, trucks, or crates. Gameplay Travel around the world to varying hot spots from the steamy tropical jungles of Columbia to the beautiful snowy mountains of Switzerland. You play as John on a mission to put the hurt on world terror and stop their dastardly plan. In case of biological agent wielding terrorists, the government relies on John Mullins. When some no good terrorists get scientific and develop a deadly virus they plan to unleash on the world, whom does the government call? Ghostbusters! Wait, they're reserved for marshmallow men. John Mullins, a mercenary who takes contracts from a secret organization known as "The Shop," eats terrorists for breakfast and humanity exterminating crises as a mid-afternoon snack. Soldier of Fortune II highlights the tale of a …soldier of fortune.