Either way, the Aztecs were cool, but still got pwnd by anyone with armor because they lacked the same hard metal weapons. You can make another on the way home, or carry a spare! Not like it would be very heavy, after all. When it's that cheap, it doesn't matter if it breaks. But, when you can make a weapon by carrying a stick and finding a boulder to chip some flakes on, it can afford to be expendable. Even on unarmored opponents it would hit bone and chip, or just dull itself on skin. Reset all data (characters/weapons/step/record crystal) for a banner.Oh yes, it's very much a short-term weapon. View the available Memory Diamond bundles. Search through your collection for that character. View your obtained/missing characters or weapons in a banner. View your information and character collection progress. View the first page of all available banners. CommandsĮxample commands are assuming you have your command prefix set as the default ( $): GENERAL CommandĪdding an i after your scout type will display an image result. Invite link for the server is down in Related Links. Want to try out the bot? Check out the #scout-simulator channel in the Sword Art Online Memory Defrag Reddit Discord! They receive to fully simulate the in-game experience. Saving so users can see their character collection and get Hacking Crystals for duplicate characters Unlike the other Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag summon simulators, S'argo features user data
#Sao md obsidian sword upgrade
Scout that typically has medallions, rainbow essence, upgrade crystals, memory fragments and silver+ exchange swords. items, rainbow essence, upgrade crystals, memory fragments, and copper exchange swords. Scout that typically has medallions, rainbow essence, and silver+ exchange swords.

items, rainbow essence, and copper exchange swords. Step 3 ★4 Rateġ00% (for the first weapon) Step 6 ★4 Rate Rates/Pricing Base Pricing Singleġ00% (for the first banner character) Step 6 ★6 Rateġ00 Memory Diamonds Guarantees 1 ★2 Automatic Rifle weapon. Somewhat the same as Step Up v8, but this time there's one banner character that gets higher rates and is guaranteed at Step 5 other banner characters are available at a lower rate. The first use of Circulating Record Crystals with ★6 characters. Same as Step Up v7, but includes the rest of the ★5 characters into the general pool. Circulating Record Crystals are unobtainable here. The first use of Record Crystals with ★6 characters. This change carries through future banners. Introduced the increased +1.5 rates for ★5 characters ( 2% -> 3%). Modified version of Step Up that features a repeating Step 6. Record Crystals are given every multi scout which can be used in a record crystal scout.

Performing more multi pulls modifies the character rates and pricing. S'argo simulates the scouting system from Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag. This Discord bot's main use is to be a "summon simulator" for the mobile game Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag. S'argo is a Discord bot made using the Discord4J API wrapper. GIF version of the banner doesn't do it justice. Thank you, Fatality members and the NA Legacy guild branch.
#Sao md obsidian sword free
If someone else wants to take on this project actively, feel free to do so.
#Sao md obsidian sword update
I also am trying to avoid having to update this bot any more than I have to. While I will provide occasional updates to the banners file, they will not be as frequent as they were when I actively played the game. I no longer have any motivation to play this game because all my friends moved on or were hit by the massive ban wave that targeted people who used 3rd party services for discount memory diamonds.

I have quit Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag around December 10, 2018.