They give us enough time to dedicate a few afternoons of these weekends or off work if Bastion is one of our favorite characters or if we simply like to collect skins to show off to the rest of the players. Many of us are used to playing weekly until winning nine games in Arcade Mode in order to get the three weekly loot boxes, so this is an interesting support that is available until after next week. Quick game, arcade… Anyone other than from a private server.

How do you get this lego skin for Bastion in Overwatch? Easy: the event started two days ago and you only have to clear nine games in any of the modes. With this skin, Bastion transforms into a machine made of plastic parts, and so will his companion bird, Ganymede. Half of the rewards are dished out by playing, and winning, matches in the game, while the other half can be earned by watching people play Overwatch on Twitch. Called Bastions Brick Challenge, the challenge is separated into two parts. This time it's about the look you see above, made in the style of LEGO although it seems that it has no official collaboration with the manufacturer of plastic blocks. Until September 30th you can unlock a LEGO version of Bastion. Overwatch has once again put a universal challenge to all its users to get a limited skin. But they have the problem of the enormous randomness of making all the unlocking of skins random, and few really like not knowing if they will be able to get a skin they want for their favorite character. With its loot boxes full of skins and graphics, Overwatch remains alive and profitable despite fewer and fewer players being interested.

Overwatch asks you to win nine games to get a skin of this defense character. Budget for Watch Dogs Legion with RayTracing.Guide to find our smartphone and block it, in case of loss or theft.Guide to mechanical switches for gaming keyboards 2022.